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well + good
pause . discover . connect
Discover the power of a good weekend
invirgorating movement classes

in good shape

We believe an active body is a happy body. Our movement classes are expertly designed by Amelia (your host & studio owner of Etobicoke Pilates & Wellness Studio) and in collaboration with practitioners that are passionate advocates of sustainable movement-one that celebrates the body.

organic, local meals
make new connections

in good taste

in good company

Celebrating the nourishing power of food that is nutritious and fresh with locally sourced ingredients. Enjoy wholesome meals tastefully and artfully presented by curated chefs and culinary partners. Menus are crafted with conscious authenticity, dietary restrictions respected and accommodated.

Our process for curating local, impactful experiences is unrivaled. We are commited to providing paths of change to allow for appreciation, transformation and deeper connection with oneself, nature and others. Create new relationships or strengthen bonds though positive and fun activities.

all movement classes and activities are an invitation, if you'd rather sleep in and opt out from a class or a hike, great. You're welcome to do that. This is your time to do you. 

Downward Facing Dog

it's time for you

At The Good Retreat, we offer a unique experience that allows for escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnection with ourselves. The retreats are artfully curated to help you discover the power of intentionality and joy of a good reset. So take a pause, slow down and enjoy nourishing movement, food and human connection. 

Upcoming Events
unplugged: a good weekend edition
unplugged: a good weekend edition
An all inclusive unique 2-night experience of Collingwood's best. Enjoy 3 movement classes, meals with local culinary partners and wellness activities such as hiking, pottery class and Vortex (a multi dimensional immersive wellness experience). Return from the weekend nourished with goodness.
Aug 23, 2024, 4:00 p.m. – Aug 25, 2024, 1:30 p.m.
The Dorchester Hotel,
Collingwood, ON, Canada
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